We at the Stacy Foundation are relational givers who work mainly with leaders whom we have had working relationships in the past or through partnerships that we know and trust for future applications.

Organizations applying for financial assistance from Stacy Foundation are encouraged to seek additional funding also from other organizations. This enables your organization to have a healthy and broad-based funding approach.

Read and review
Grant Guidelines and Operating Principles.

Grant applications can be submitted at any time during the year. Our board meets almost every month and makes decisions on a rotating basis.
Note: Grants are preferably made for specific projects and only to organizations that are tax-exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Foundation will review your organization’s grant application and respond to you within 60 days either denying the request or requesting a complete grant proposal for further evaluation. Please note that the entire process from application to proposal could take 4-6 months. Please plan accordingly.

Answers to your key questions.